Forty-one years ago, before my husband, Joe, and I were married, I was having dinner with him and his family in their home. After we finished eating, we all got up and began clearing away the dishes, and straightening up the kitchen. As I passed Joe's parents' bedroom, I noticed a beautifully-carved wooden cross hanging on the wall over their bed. I had never seen anything like it, and as I remarked on its stunning appearance, my mother-in-law told me that she would like me to have it after she was gone. I was deeply touched, and as I began thanking her, her daughter insisted that she would like to have it as her own, and we left it at that.
Years went by, and my in-laws moved hundreds of miles away. Then Joe's dad passed away, and my sister-in-law moved in with her mother. Last week, my husband was at his mother's bedside when she took her last breath. He was thankful that he was able to be there for her, but her passing left a terrible ache in his heart. Since Joe is the oldest child in his family, he took on the big brother role and did his best to comfort and console his younger siblings. After making the proper funeral arrangements, the siblings decided to meet at their mother's house to decide the fate of her belongings. Joe told his loved ones that they could have everything that their mom left behind. Then he spotted the wooden cross above his mother's bed. He took it in his hands and announced that he would like to have it. And the same sister who claimed it as her own forty-one years ago declared that he was welcomed to it.
After Joe arrived home that weekend after a long and exhausting drive, he unpacked his car and showed me his parents' cross. I was stunned and speechless. He asked what was wrong, and I told him about the conversation his mom and I had over 41 years ago. Joe didn't remember how much that cross meant to me, but the Lord did. And at a time when I was filled with sorrow and grief, He sent me a precious gift to ease my pain and heartache. My in-laws' cross hangs on our bedroom wall now, and every time that Joe and I see it, we are reminded not only of his parents, but of a loving God who remembers us and blesses us when we need it most.
Scripture says, "The LORD remembers us and will bless us." (Psalm 115:12 NIV) Perhaps your life hasn't turned out quite like you planned, and you are feeling forsaken and forgotten. Even if others have forgotten you, rest assured that the Lord not only remembers you, but He also remembers your dreams and desires. And if you keep your faith in Him, and live your life for Him, the day will come when His gifts and blessings suddenly show up. Let me encourage you to begin confessing with confidence every day, "The Lord remembers me and He will bless me!"
Prayer: Lord, fill me with a Christlike confidence that will enable me to trust and believe You for all the good things You have in store for me. When doubts begin to assail me, help me to spend extra time in Your presence and Your Word, feeding on Your promises. Teach me how to resist and rebuke self-pity, bitterness, and sorrow. Help me to focus on all the good things in my life. Give me a tender heart and a tender conscience, so that I won't have to forfeit or delay Your blessings. Thank You that You will never forget or forsake me!
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