Earlier this year, my husband, Joe, developed some serious heart problems that required open-heart surgery. We were already in a position of financial stress at the time, but with Joe being unable to work for many months, our situation became even more serious. At one point, my husband came to me and said that in a week or two, we would no longer be able to pay our bills. I confess that at first, all I could feel was fear. I knew that this was a critical moment, and I decided to turn to the Lord in prayer before I said or did anything. As I began to pour out my heart to God, the fear began to fade, and I was able to ask for His wisdom, His strength, and His mighty intervention. Didn't the Lord see this coming? It certainly was no surprise to Him. I knew that my husband and I were not blameless in this situation, but wasn't God exceedingly merciful, especially to those who were devoted to Him? One of the first Scriptures that the Spirit of God brought to mind was one that I had claimed many times before. "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him." (Nahum 1:7 NIV) I knew in my heart that if I really wanted God's help in this time of trial, I had to make a quality decision to put my trust in Him, and only Him.
I went to my husband and told him that it was essential that he and I view God, and God alone, as our Source. We were not to look to Joe's job, his income, his employer, or anyone else. And we were to keep our focus on the Lord at all times. We would seek HIS wisdom, HIS guidance, and HIS solution for our problems, and we would follow His lead. We claimed God's promises in Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT): "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take." I believe this is where a lot of Christians miss it. When trouble hits, including financial trouble, they often look to themselves, others, or something else as their source. It's as if they read this Scripture as saying, "Trust in your job with all your heart". Or, "Trust in your income with all your heart". Or even, "Trust in your loved one with all your heart." Then they wonder why their prayers for help go unanswered.
The Lord said to Jeremiah the prophet: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord. That person will be like a bush in the wastelands; they will not see prosperity when it comes." (Jeremiah 17:5-6 NIV) Very often, God sends us the prosperity and provision we long for, but we're looking for it in all the wrong places, so we never see it coming, and we never lay hold of it. The Lord goes on to say in this passage: "But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water… It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." (Jeremiah 17:7,8 NIV) God is willing to bless us abundantly - even in the midst of an economic crisis - but we must look to Him as our Source.
Before my husband had his surgery, we were already in desperate need of a new vehicle. We had a 24-year-old car, and though we were very grateful for it, we knew it was time to replace it. When my husband's surgery and lengthy recuperation put us in a serious financial bind, I was tempted to forget about the new car idea. But then I asked myself, "Couldn't God send us financial relief AND provide us with a new car, too? Couldn't God really be THAT good and THAT merciful?" "YES!" I heard my spirit within me answer. Exactly two weeks after my husband told us that our resources were depleted, the Lord not only sent us financial rescue and relief, but He blessed us with a beautiful new car. And He taught us once again that when His children look to Him in times of trouble - when they make Him their one true Source - He will move heaven and earth to deliver and bless them. Ask yourself today, "Who am I making my source?"
Prayer: Lord, forgive me for looking for help in all the wrong places. When I am faced with trouble of any kind, remind me to turn to You first. Work in my heart and mind so that it won't even occur to me to look to myself or others for my needs or desires. Thank You that as I learn how to make You my true Source, I will experience the victories and deliverances that You have for me!
- J. M. Farro
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