- Oh To Be Like You (feat. Dee Wilson & Paul Baloche) - Single w/ Anchor Hymns, 2025 [Integrity]
- Angels We Have Heard On High/Glorious (feat. Sarah Kroger) - Single, 2024 [Integrity Music]
- The Paul Baloche Collection, 2023 [Integrity Music]
- First Love (Deluxe Gold Edition), 2023 [Integrity Music]
- Behold Him - Single, 2019 [Integrity Music]
- Ultimate Collection, 2018 [Integrity Music]
- For Unto Us: Christmas Worship Live From London, 2017 [Integrity Music]
- Your Mercy, 2016 [Integrity Music]
- Christmas Worship, Vol. 2, 2015 [Integrity Music]
- Live, 2014 [Integrity Music]
- Live CD/DVD, 2014 [Integrity Music]
- Christmas Worship, 2013 [Integrity Music]
- Glorieux (Glorious), 2013 [Integrity Music]
- The Same Love, 2012 [Integrity Music]
- Glorious, 2009 [Integrity Music]
- Ouvre Les Yeux De Mon Coeur (Open The Eyes Of My Heart), 2009 [Integrity Music]
- The Writer's Collection, 2008 [Integrity Music]
- Our God Saves, 2007 [Integrity Music]
- A Greater Song, 2006 [Integrity Music]
- Offering Of Worship, 2003 [Integrity Music]
- God Of Wonders, 2001 [Integrity Music]
- Open the Eyes of My Heart, 2000 [Integrity Music]
- First Love, 1998 [Integrity Music]
- He Is Faithful, 1992 [Integrity Music]
Other Projects
- Anchor Hymns
Compilation Contributions
- Songs of Thanksgiving, 2022 .... "Altogether Good (feat. Paul Baloche & Lucy Grimble)" (as Anchor Hymns) [Integrity]
- Worship Anthems Inspired by the Epic NBC Television Event A.D. The Bible Continues, 2015 .... "Your Name (feat. Kathryn Scott)" [Integrity]
- iWorship Now/Next 2015, 2015 .... "God My Rock (Live)" [Integrity]
- Songs 4 Worship: Worship Classics, 2014 .... "Open The Eyes Of My Heart," "Your Name," "Hosanna [Praise Is Rising]" [Integrity]
- iWorship Now/Next 2014, 2014 .... "My Hope" [Integrity]
- iWorship Now/Next 2013, 2013 .... "The Same Love," "Our God Saves" [Integrity]
- WOW Worship (Purple), 2010 .... "Your Name" [Word]
- SongDISCovery Vol. 82, 2009 .... "Wonderful God" (from Glorious) [Worship Leader]
- SongDISCovery Vol. 81, 2009 .... "Glorious" (from Glorious) [Worship Leader]
- The Best New Praise & Worship Album... Ever!, 2009 .... "Our God Saves" [Kingsway]
- Worship And Adore: A Christmas Offering, 2009 .... "We Adore You" [Integrity]
- CompassionArt: Creating Freedom From Poverty, 2009 .... "Lead Me To The Rock," "You Have Shown Us" (w/Chris Tomlin, Steven Curtis Chapman) [Sparrow]
- Your Name, 2008 .... "Your Name" (w/ Phil Wickham), "Healer" (w/ Aaron Shust) [Integrity]
- I Can Only Imagine: Platinum Edition, 2008 .... "Above All," "Open The Eyes of My Heart," "God of Wonders" [Time Life]
- Integrity's Iworship Experience, 2008 .... "Our God Saves" [Integrity]
- Mighty To Save: Powerful Songs // Transforming Worship, 2007 .... "Your Name," "Offering" [Integrity]
- Experience His Presence: The Best From A New Generation Of Hosanna! Music, 2007 .... "Hosanna," "What Can I Do" [Integrity]
- WOW Worship Blue: Multi Platinum Special Edition, 2007 .... "Let It Rise," "Open The Eyes Of My Heart" [Integrity]
- 51 Must Have Modern Worship Hits, 2007 .... "Open the Eyes of My Heart" [Integrity]
- Beth Moore Presents: Songs of Deliverance, 2007 .... "Because of Your Love" [Word]
- K-LOVE Christmas CD Volume 4, 2007 .... "Offering"
- iWorship Platinum: A Total Worship Experience, 2006 .... "Your Name" (w/ Kathryn Scott) [Integrity]
- Arise: A Celebration of Worship
, 2006 .... "Open the Eyes of My Heart," "Praise Adonai," "Offering," "Above All" (w/ Lenny LeBlanc) [Integrity]
- I Can Only Imagine, 2004 .... "Above All," "Open The Eyes of My Heart," "God of Wonders" [Time Life]
- iWORSHIP Vol. 2, 2003 .... "Rise Up And Praise Him," "In That Day," "Meet With Me," "Jesus You Are" (w/ Rita Baloche), "Will Not Forget You" (w/ Rita Baloche) [Integrity]
- Acoustic Worship: The World's Best Praise & Worship, 1999 .... "Open the Eyes of My Heart" [Word]
- WOW Worship Blue, 1999 .... "Let It Rise," "Open The Eyes Of My Heart" [Integrity]
- Overcoming Anxiety: Scripture Memory Songs, 1995 .... "Perfect Peace" [Integrity]
Paul Baloche Videography
- Live CD/DVD, 2014 [Integrity Music]
- The Paul Baloche DVD Guitar Songbook 2, 2008 [Lead Worship]
- Modern Worship Series Instructional DVD: Electric Guitar, 2008 [Lead Worship]
- Modern Worship Series Instructional DVD: Beginning Guitar, 2007 [Lead Worship]
- Modern Worship Series Instructional DVD: Acoustic Guitar, 2007 [Lead Worship]
- Modern Worship Series Instructional DVD: Worship Vocal Workshop, 2006 [Lead Worship]
- Modern Worship Series Instructional DVD: Music Theory Made Easy, 2005 [Lead Worship]
- Modern Worship Series Instructional DVD: Worship Band Workshop, 2004 [Lead Worship]
- The Paul Baloche DVD Guitar Songbook, 2004 [Lead Worship]
- Modern Worship Series Instructional DVD: Music Styles, 2003 [Lead Worship]
- Modern Worship Series Instructional DVD: Leading Worship - Creating Flow, 2003 [Lead Worship]
Artist Literature
- The Same Love: A Devotion, 2012... Paul Baloche [David C Cook]
Collector's Items
- Paul Baloche Digital Sheet Music Library CD-Rom, 2008 [Integrity]
- Worship Leader Assistant: A Greater Song CD-Rom, 2006 [Integrity]
Artist Links
- Official Site