The JFH Artists Database is where you will find detailed info on your favorite artists
including a complete discography, reviews, interviews, photos, off-site links, and other fun information!
If you find some important information for an artist listed here is missing or is incorrect, please email us
and let us know (Please DO NOT email us asking where a missing artist is)!
*Note: We will not be listing independent or unsigned artists here*Click here for an important Disclaimer.
Uh-oh! Did we miss somebody?? Please sit tight! We're constantly adding old and new artists to this list all the time. Thanks
so much for your patience!
*Disclaimer: Not every band listed here or reviewed on consider themselves a "Christian band" or a "Christian artist." All of the artists are or have been linked to the Christian industry and Christian market at one time or another. We reserve the right to list or cover such artists that have at one time been linked to the Christian industry but are no longer involved in it merely to be informative to those who are looking for insight into the content of the artist's work. We also reserve the right to NOT list any artist we do not support or feel comfortable listing on JFH. And we reserve the right to remove any artist at any time for whatever reason we see fit.
The JFH Artists Database is--and always has been--an ongoing project, so we understand that many artists past and present are missing. Please be patient as the process for creating these pages - and maintaining the existing ones - is a painstaking and time-consuming process. The absence of an artist isn't always because we do not support them or are purposefully overlooking them. Chances are, we simply just have not have gotten around to creating their pages and adding them yet. Please DO NOT email us asking where a missing artist is. Thank you! -- JFH
This Friday, February 14, 2025
ALBUMS HeIsTheArtist Confessions of a Fallen Angel - EP [MTS] Marvin Sapp If I Were an R&B Singer - EP [Elev8] Sidewalk Prophets Looking Up [Curb] Spoken Worth Jesus Is (independent) Denison Witmer Anything At All [Asthmatic Kitty]
SINGLES 7eventh Time Down His Mercy is More - Single [BEC] Alphein Lost In Ya Love - Single [Syntax] Bill B. Get It Right - Single [Syntax] Dex the Nerd Who Loves Jesus Pray About It (feat. Big Fil) - Single [Marv4MoBeats] Diatheke The Creator - Single [Rottweiler] Drenae & OnBeatMusic Me & You - Single [Syntax] Fine China Fraught With Danger - Single [Velvet Blue] Jericko Only You - Single [Syntax] Olivia Lane Who God Says You Are - Single [BEC] QEW LVL Up - Single [Syntax] SNT. VINCENT Invite Me - Single [Syntax] Solachi Voz Horsepower - Single [Syntax] Brandon Watson Still Hurts - Single (independent)
Next Friday, February 21, 2025
ALBUMS Gather Worship Hear The World That You So Love Sing Back To You [Integrity] Mat Kearney Mat Kearney (still drowning in nostalgia) [Deluxe] [Middle Kid] Natalie Layne All Joy [Centricity] David Leonard Just Jesus [Provident] Jordan Smith The People's Hymnal [Gaither]
SINGLES Coqui only Idol - Single [DREAM] Melody Noel Closer Than I Know - Single (independent) Phil Wickham The King is in the Room - Single [Fair Trade]