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Crazy Caption Photo No.073: "deliciou5?"

(pictured: Martin Smith of Delirious?; photo from
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Delirious-O's - Breakfast of Christians! [JonGuySuperfly]

"We play a sold out concert for these people and this is all we get?!" [Karisa]

"Time for second breakfast!" [GIJO]

"Just a spoon full of whatever-you-call this-stuff makes the medicine go down!" [jk84]

"Alright Jack Jack now open wide. Num yum!" [elasta girl]

In seeing the paparazzi, Romans 12:20 came to mind, "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." [mizpahFromAUS]

"Make it Campbell's instead!" [outkastforever]

"...but this bowl of porridge was just right..." [Becky]

"No, I'm fine. My ADD hasn't kick... Here have some of this!!" [disciple_of_one]

"...But they knew he had really lost it when he began trying to feed the cameraman and asked him if he wanted his bottle." [some dude]

"And today lady's and gentlemen, we are testing a new flavor of cereal... Meatloaf & Peas!" [RKgirl]

"We all know the answer to what your about to ask... 'NO!'" [Cathy]

"While the Barlow Girls were laughing at the corndog, we stole the rest of their food!" [Jfoleysix]

A few seconds after trying a bite, Tim suddenly burst into singing songs by Audio Adrenaline - and was promptly fired from the band. [Dj Calebeefy]

After realizing cd sales had plateaued, Delirious? decided to include free samples of their favorite porridge with each CD purchase. [Mikelong]

"Tina, come get your dinner!" [kutless_rulez]

"If anyone uses another stupid Napoleon Dynamite quote for this photo, I'll fling ice cream at you." [Mark]

"Hey! Keep that blindfold on!" [massivifan]

This Weeks Winner
Jfoleysix won a copy of Kids In The Way's new album Apparitions Of Melody


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