#9. Abandon Kansas
Release Date: Sometime 2015
I never thought Abandon Kansas was a good stylistic fit on Gotee Records, and apparently the two parties decided that also. Now that the band is signed with BadChristian and have a fan-funded album in the works (which Jeremy has called "a return to the authenticity of [their] first album" from the band's unsigned days), I anticipate an explosive new chapter for AK in 2015.
- Roger Gelwicks
Fan-funded campaigns are all the rage these days, like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. They're a great way for bands to connect with fans and help them feel like they're a part of the process. Struggling to find the creative freedom they wanted on their old label, Abandon Kansas decided to take this route with their new album. Not only did they exceed their goal by almost 33%, but they found the perfect partner in Bad Christian, the ministry platform of Emery. A combination like that can't go wrong. It just can't.
- John "Flip" Choquette
I haven't personally followed Abandon Kansas that closely, but they're one of those bands I find intriguing, whether in Ad Astra per Aspera or even in the poppier sound of "Turn it to Gold." It sounds like for this fan-funded record, the band is choosing to focus on a sound truer to themselves, and lyrics that don't shy away from the darker places of life. I'm looking forward to hearing what that sounds like.
- Jen Rose Yokel
I heard that Abandon Kansas is going to put out the kind of music they have always wanted to. The fact that they're getting that kind of freedom from BC Music sounds like something I don't want to miss.
- Kevin Hoskins
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