#4. Matthew Thiessen And The Earthquakes
Wind Up Bird
Release Date: August 31, 2018
In the last year and a half or so, I’ve rediscovered a taste for Relient K. Along with this, I’ve developed an anticipation for Mr. Thiessen’s extremely long-awaited side project. Here’s hoping it at least lives up to the hype.
- Scott Fryberger
Ever since hearing Matt’s side project song, “Poison Ivy,” years ago, I’ve highly anticipated additional songs in the same style. Well, he’s taken his dear sweet time, but I have a hunch that it will be worth the wait. After hearing the songs, I hope that I am able to include them in my end of the year favorites list.
- Josh Balogh
As maybe the only person in the world not in love with Air For Free, I'm excited to be excited for another Matt Thiessen album.
- Mark Rice
Air For Free was a great return to form for Thiessen and Relient K, and it’s piqued my interest for what’s next. The musical pallet has always been broader than just pop-punk, and I’m hoping for an all-out rock opera this time around. Come on Matt, I know you have it in you.
- Alex Caldwell