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On August 13th, 1996, The Jesus Freak Hideout began. Ever since that day, the JFH has been bringing the latest in Christian music to you every day. In honor of 20 years of the site in 2016, we're taking a look back over two decades of JFH and celebrating it in the process. Check back daily for articles, top 20 lists, giveaways, musings and other fun stuff!


Artists Reflect on 20 Years of Jesus freak Hideout!


DAY 01, July 25:
       .JFH 20 Retrospective: Part 1, by John DiBiase
       .Everything In Slow Motion vinyl giveaway via Facebook

DAY 02, July 26:
       .Mark Rice's Top 20 Favorite Steven Curtis Chapman Songs

DAY 03, July 27:
       .Roger Gelwicks' Top 20 Favorite Anberlin Songs

DAY 04, July 28:
       .JFH 20 Retrospective: Part 2 - The Birth of "The Jesus FREAK Hideout", by John DiBiase

DAY 05, July 29:
       .Mark, Michael, Scott, and Wayne's 20 Favorite Debut Albums

DAY 06, July 30:
       .Lucas Munachen's Top 20 Favorite Albums

DAY 07, July 31:
       .Mark Geil's 20 Favorite Chart-Topping Albums

DAY 08, Aug. 01:
       .JFH 20 Retrospective: Part 3 - The Long, Hard Road, by John DiBiase
       .Alex, David, Mark, and Mark's Top 20 Favorite Rich Mullins Songs

DAY 09, Aug. 02:
       .Lucas Munachen's Top 20 Delirious? Songs

DAY 10, Aug. 03:
       .Cortney Warner's Top 20 Relient K Songs
       .Andrew Peterson CD giveaway via Facebook

DAY 11, Aug. 04:
       .Chris, Jeremy, Michael, and Scott's Top 20 Tooth & Nail/Solid State Bands

DAY 12, Aug. 05:
       .Kevin Hoskins and Scott Fryberger's Top 20 Favorite Christian Hip Hop Artists
       .JFH 20 Contest - New and classic vinyl and other cool prizes!

DAY 13, Aug. 06:
       .John DiBiase's Top 20 Favorite Jars of Clay Songs
       .Relient K vinyl giveaway via Facebook

DAY 14, Aug. 07:
       .Christopher Smith's Top 20 Favorite House of Heroes Songs
       .Remembering The JFH 14th Anniversary Party feat. House of Heroes

DAY 15, Aug. 08:
       .John, Mark, Michael, and Wayne's Top 20 albums of the 1990's

DAY 16, Aug. 09:
       .Michael Weaver's Top 20 Favorite MxPx Songs
       .Hillsong UNITED CD/DVD giveaway via Facebook

DAY 17, Aug. 10:
       .Alex Caldwell's Top 20 Albums of the Last 20 Years
       .David Craft's Top 20 Favorite Albums

DAY 18, Aug. 11:
       .Scott Fryberger's Top 20 Favorite Reese Roper Songs
       .John DiBiase's Top 20 Favorite Audio Adrenaline Songs

DAY 19, Aug. 12:
       .Mark, Michael, Scott, and Tim's Top 20 Final Albums

DAY 20, Aug. 13:
       .The Jesusfreakhideout Staff's List of 20 Top Ten Lists
       .dcTalk vinyl giveaway via Facebook

Fans Reflect On JFH... (August 2016)
  • JFH is THE place to go for release date info and album reviews. Thorough and objective. Keep up the good work for another 20! - Brandon L. (Telford, PA)
  • My favorite thing about is that it keeps me well-informed with what's happening in the Christian music realm. I've discovered a few artists because of this site, such as Children 18:3, NF, Heath McNease, House of Heroes, and Owl City. I thoroughly enjoy the content on this website. - Andrew B. (Wyoming, MI)
  • I love that JFH has "EVERYTHING" on their page. I enjoy reading the interviews with my favorite artists. And always having the latest and newest music reviews. Right now I'm enjoying the King & Country "Ceasefire" video, I love it! They are my favorite artist right now. Over the years I've returned to the JFH site for movie or TV reviews. - Alberta S. (Philadelphia, PA)
  • Jesus Freak Hideout has helped me decide what albums to buy! I have always thought your reviews were excellent critiquing the quality of the music as well as the depth of the lyrics! I have discovered many new bands and albums because of your reviews! I always have to check out albums that get 4.5 stars or higher! Thanks for helping my family and I discover new music! - Kyle S. (Newton, KS)
  • This is the best place to find fair and balanced reviews of music, and to be pointed to great new artists. - Jake P. (Welland ON Canada)
  • Over the years I've used the website for many things the music and movie reviews the updates on all my favorite bands. I think what I love the most is the devotional emails I get its always encouraging to read something that I am currently going through that some one else has a good perspective and points me back to Christ. - Rebekah K. (Gladwin, MI)
  • When I worked in Christian Retail for 10 years, JFH was an invaluable tool to help stay current on music news, and offer customers real assistance in finding great music. I've watched JFH grow for the last 16 years and it continues to be an authentic leader within the Christian Music Industry. Congrats on 20 years! - Cody V. (Wausau, WI)
  • As somebody who researches and obsesses over music every day, as well as previously running a teen radio show while in High School, JFH has helped me find all sorts of music I would have never know about before. It also offers the opportunity for commentary about our favorite Christian albums and movies. - Dakota W. (Nampa, ID)
  • My favorite thing about JFH is the album release dates page. JFH always keeps me up to date with the Christian music that is being released or has already been released. JFH is a place where I can discover Christ-centered music that I can mix in with the secular music that I listen to, and it helps me keep my faith strong. - Grant T. (Wrightstown, WI)
  • It's the most fan-based Christian music site online. If you were ever swept up with youth group, this site is for you. - Chad C. (Kalamazoo, MI)
  • My Favorite thing about JFH is that the website has always stayed true to itself. JFH has helped me over the years in several ways. I grew up listening to a diverse range of music. Most websites only have certain kind of music reviews or they are very biased. Your reviews have helped me find many bands I would of never thought to listen to. Like Children 18:3, the great Five Iron Frenzy, And Brave saint Saturn. Your reviews are also always spot on and you never sugar coat it, which is nice. Also I am a christian, but in this world it is hard to keep your faith sometimes, But everytime I come to this page there is a review of an album or an artist interview that reminds me why the lord is so great. Whether it be hillsong, NEEDTOBREATHE, or Wolves at the gate, they all make music to praise the Lord. - Maxwell M. (Dickson, TN)
  • JesusFreakHideout helped inspired me to become a music journalist. I wanted to be the guy who interviewed all the people they listened to while growing up, and now I do! - Justin S. (Staten Island, NY)
  • I love being able to get accurate lyrics from my favorite bands, as well as being able to read the stories behind some of the songs. - Michael N. (Bowling Green, KY)
  • JFH has been a huge help through the years in discovering more Christian bands that I have never heard of. As I ventured out of pop and soft rock, all the way to hardcord metal, I listened to a lot of bands and a lot of albums, and JFH was right there with me as I explored. - Jacob L. (Sanford, ME)
  • The album reviews have been a draw for me for over a decade. The interviews are always laid back and allow the fun nature of the artists to shine through. Love it! - Billy F. (Anthem, AZ)
  • I've been a long long time reader and this used to be the ONLY site where I actually trusted reviews. JFH has been a wonderful resource in picking that "next band" to listen to. Finding new music is always an exciting experience. Thanks for all you do! - Nathan C. (Blacksburg, VA)
  • I have been introduced to bands I wouldn't necessarily hear on radio. These bands encourage me on a daily basis. I also have given bands a 2nd listen because of this website. It is part of my daily wen travels. - Jeff S. (Warwick, RI)
  • JfH is THE place that I go to either learn about new bands or to check out what's going on with bands that I already love (and probably discovered on JfH in the first place)! John and the staff of JfH have never failed to point me toward the best that Christian music has to offer!!! - Steve P. (Jeannette, PA)
  • I have read JFH before the .com days. I would go to my computer class in college and search all I could about my favorite Christian artists whether it were their label home, their own sites. The best site i found with all of the best news was JFH. I've grown with it and have enjoyed so much from it from the star rating reviews, Lloyd, the inclusion of the movie reviews (use these for my 12 year old now)... Needless to say, I've always been a bit jealous. John got to live my passion. Kudos John for the 20 years of all the awesome work!! - Greg P. (Tarboro, NC)
  • I love that you guys have a high standard of the music creativity in a album and will not just give a positive review cause every one else likes it but stay honest to how you feel. I have been reading now for 6 years and check your website everyday - Joe G. (Grantsburf, WI)
  • The thoughtful music reviews. Secular outlets criticize faith-based lyrics and tend to write off talented artists. Yall's reviews give full credit to good writing and creative music, but you aren't afraid to write a bad review when an album is not good. I have discovered tons of my favorite music here over the years (Kings Kaleidoscope, The Ongoing Concept, House of Heroes). Thank you for all you do! - Brad Y. (Knoxville, TN)
  • It has consistently provided support for all Christian artists whether they make radio airplay or not. It highlights the art behind the music. While it has been part of the Contemporary Christian Music scene, it has avoided what has turned into an industry that seems to be about making another dollar or another hit worship song. It genuinely supports artists at all levels of the industry and their ministries - Andrew W. (Fort Wayne, IN)
  • Because their are so many great things on, it simply makes it impossible for me to say only the one thing that I like the most about has introduced me to countless bands including NEEDTOBREATHE, Switchfoot, Paper Route, Relient K, Steve Taylor, Thousand Foot Krutch, Anberlin, Sixpence None the Richer, and many more. I was about thirteen when I first started really getting into Christian music, and while I knew a couple of bands that I liked (Newsboys, TobyMac, dc talk), I didn't know which albums were worth buying and which bands were worth getting into. Then my dad introduced me to By listening to the 5-star reviews and researching the bands in your "Some Artists We Love" section, I soon became a fan of multiple bands and albums. Now, four years later, it's extremely rare for me not to check every day for new content! has helped shape my musical identity for the better, and I will always be grateful to John and the gang at for the immense impact they, through this website have had on my life! Thank you for 20 years of Christian music awesomeness, and here's to many more! - Jack G. (Franklinton, NC)
  • I love the mainstream and indie reviews. This site has been a great source of new music throughout my life. - Luke B. (Galloway, OH)
  • In two words: music reviews - in my case, more specifically, music reviews for all forms of hardcore and metal. Because releases of those genres are typically more obscure from mainstream music in general and because they're also not usually categorized as "Christian", thus getting lumped into secular releases of those genres, it can very daunting to find a new band that is dedicated to Christ by reading song lyrics and researching band members; meaning, essentially going through all of the releases "by hand". Jesus Freak Hideout has made that task much more reasonable for me; even though JFH may not review everything that is "Christian music", they tackle a good portion of it and do it well! I believe that what is taught in 2 Corinthians 4:4 is so true of the entertainment industry, in fact, I believe that it is the premier outlet for the devil to carry out his mass deceit; just as an example, search for videos titled "They Sold Their Souls For Rock'n Roll". For those unaware, I think they'll be quite surprised as to what they'll learn. Anyway, with that said and to reiterate, it is very important to me and my family that I filter as much of the media that I able to and JFH makes that task much more plausible! So, cheers JFH, and here's to the beginning of twenty more years! - Steve A. (Fitchburg, MA)
  • I have been a follower of JFH since their first compilation in 2012 and I've been here ever since. Between the excellent album reviews and the vast selection of free music I can't per say pick a favorite, but I guess it would have to be the compilations (Songs we've been trying to tell you about and others we haven't) since that's what got me here in the first place. Over these 4 years I've become the guy that everyone I know comes to for music suggestions (because my taste is as vast as my library) and it's all because of your compilations that made some of my favorite bands known to me (Ravenhill, FreeDaps, Copperlily, and Every Knee Shall Bow to name a few). Because of this I believe that God has used this to help bring a few of my friends to Him (suggesting music with their taste as well having a christian message, or, at the very least a positive one). So thanks JFH for helping to making me the music lover I am today. - Nathanial H. (Port Alberni, BC)
  • I love the interviews and reviews on JFH. I have been visiting the site about 4-5 days a week for years now. I love Christian Music and this is my only go to place for all things Christian Music related. - Bob K. (Singapore)
  • My favorite thing about Jesusfreakhideout is finding out when new music is headed my way, it definitely touches me because most songs i hear are like mini sermons, and it affects me because i get personal growth. Thank you so much. - Andrew B. (Australia)
  • I really enjoy reading all of the very detailed and neutral(opinion) based album reviews. I also love that I can get a heads up on all the upcoming albums that are about to drop! Thank you so much for all your dedication and hard work for putting this website/database together! - Brandon K. (Lawrenceville, GA)
  • I love the "Latest Music News" section. It's such a great resource, helping me keep up with artists I enjoy, and sometimes finding new ones to enjoy as well. - Nicholas S. (Irrigon, OR)
  • I really enjoyed over the years because it has connected me with new music that I would never have heard of before. When my wife and I lost our second child in 2013, going to this site helped me find new music to comfort me on my ride to and from work. Thank you. - Josh H. (New Aburn, WI)
  • JFH is the go-to site for our scene. Great interviews, release info, and a fun community make this my first stop when looking for new music and more! - David M. (Ashland, KY)

  • Thank you to ALL who have submitted comments! We're speechless. We'll be posting more of your kind words here. God bless you guys! - JFH


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    Check out JFH's Lloyd in his first-ever childrens book!

    Search JFH

    This Thursday, February 27, 2025
    Various Artists House of David: Season One (Music inspired by the Prime Video Original Series) [Capitol CMG]

    This Friday, February 28, 2025
    Absolved The Only Constant EP (independent)
    The Belonging Co Eden (Live) [Capitol CMG]
    The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir I Will Not Be Moved: Live with the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir [StowTown]
    Jon Keith & Miles Minnick West Indies EP (independent)
    Michael Monroe Some Things I've Been Learning About God: Disc 1 - EP [Provident]
    Rotzak HEADRUSH [StowTown]
    Sons Of Sunday I Looked Up/One More Day - EP [Elevation/Provident]

    Above the Clouds Applause - Single [Polished Arrow]
    Alabaster Grace I Will Trust In You - Single (independent)
    Anchor Hymns Oh To Be Like You (feat. Dee Wilson & Paul Baloche) - Single [Integrity]
    Philip Anthony Basement - Single (independent)
    Bloodguilt Solid Ground - Single [New Age Records]
    Bongo Chico When You Walked Away - Single (independent)
    Dan Bremnes Call Your Name - Single [Curb]
    CHPTRS Somewhere We Belong - Single (independent)
    Citizens So Kind and It’s Freaking Me Out - Single (independent)
    Seth Davey To My God and Savior - Single (independent)
    Death Therapy The End Is A New Beginning - Single (independent)
    Disciple Sound the Alarm - Single [Tooth & Nail]
    Dubem Gritty - Single [Syntax]
    Faith Worship Arts Good 2 Me (Live) - Single [DREAM Worship]
    Forrest Frank NOTHING ELSE (feat.Thomas Rhett) - Single (independent)
    Ic3rd Stay Humble (ft. Parris Chariz) - Single [Syntax]
    Phil King Miscarriages - Single (independent)
    KingsPorch Psalm 23 - Single [BEC]
    Knaladeus Sufficient Grace (ft. Javy XI & Aciya Iona) - Single [Syntax]
    Lecrae & Lukas Agustinho Seu Poder - Single [Reach]
    Life.Church Worship Redemption Has Come - Single (independent)
    outr.cty Fight Night (ft. Parris Chariz) - Single [Syntax]
    PEABOD Head First (from Gabriel and the Guardians) - Single (independent)
    Procyse, JusJames God Is Enough - Single [Polished Arrow]
    Red Rocks Worship So Much More - Single [Provident]
    Refiner Return To Dust / Not the End - Single [Rottweiler]
    ReFormed False Teacher - Single (independent)
    Jaelee Roberts He's Gone - Single [Mountain Home]
    Smokey Robinson Be Thankful For What You've Got / Lean On Me - Single [Gaither]
    Sound Chapel Praise You Still - Single [Provident]
    Verses Psalm 51:7-12 (feat. Free As A Bird & Gretyl Baird) - Single (independent)
    Windvent Haze - Single (independent)
    Mitch Wong Marvelous - Single [Integrated Music Rights]
    The Young Escape Older - Single [BEC]

    Next Friday, March 7, 2025
    bodie HAPPIER TO BE HERE [Provident]
    Fine China I Felt Called [Velvet Blue]
    HolyName Rock Against Traffic: Live in Pomona [Facedown]
    Tasha Layton Worship Through It - Live [BEC]
    Plead the Widow's Cause Silver Glass Stare (independent)
    TobyMac Heaven on My Mind [Capitol CMG]

    Free Worship Omnipresente Dios (feat. Mary Pagan) - Single [BEC]
    GLADDEN Sunshine Every Day - Single [DREAM]
    River Valley AGES Fire & Rain - Single [BEC]
    Stars Go Dim Discover God - Single [Curb]

    For all release dates, click here!

    Check out the newest JFH Metal compilation - FREE!
    Get JFH's 13th free indie compilation now!
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