Release Date: Fall 2013
I'm a huge fan of NEEDTOBREATHE, both as one of my all-time favorite live shows and a maker of fine records. With every album, they've honed their signature blend of driving alt rock and Southern charm. I've heard hints of upcoming songs appearing at their live shows, and it sounds like whatever is coming will be worth the wait.
- Jen Rose
NEEDTOBREATHE has firmly established themselves as one of the Christian Music industry's finest crossover acts, and now with four excellent albums under their belts, calling them "veterans" is becoming more accurate with each passing day. Any new material from the South Carolina trio is welcome and worth getting excited about.
- Mark Rice
NEEDTOBREATHE is soulful and different, which makes them an obvious choice for this sort of list. While I've been impressed with the band's last several releases, it was after I had the pleasure of seeing these guys perform live that I was finally sold. These guys make the best southern rock around, have fun while doing so, and show little sign of slowing down.
- Roger Gelwicks
From the first time I saw these South Carolina boys open for Jars Of Clay six years ago, I was completely won over by their incredible musicianship. NEEDTOBREATHE has only gotten better in the time since that Philadelphia performance and their upcoming record is easily one my most anticipated releases this year.
- John DiBiase
When NEEDTOBREATHE debuted their album Daylight in 2006, I didn't think much of them. I like "Shine On," but I didn't necessarily have high expectations. Seven years later, and I've been proven wrong, as they've turned into one of the best things that has happened to the accessible Christian music scene. Let's hope 2013 is a good year for these guys...
- Scott Fryberger
This may be my most anticipated release of the whole year. The Reckoning has become one of my all-time favorite albums, and I can only hope the new album is just as excellent. I have plenty of reason to hope, and seeing the band perform live just further cemented for me how ridiculously talented the men of NEEDTOBREATHE truly are. Perhaps my expectations are too high, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.
- Timothy Estabrooks
NEEDTOBREATHE has been on a winning streak the last three albums or so, and The Reckoning is still on high rotation in my house. The rare artist that sounds at home in multiple music genres, these boys from the South make great, thought-provoking, soulful music that asks deep questions while satisfying the ears with great melodies and the gritty vocals of the Rinehart brothers.
- Alex "Tincan" Caldwell
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