#5. Blindside
Release Date: Sometime 2016
Finally! While it may not be quite the same anticipation that WSHWW was, however I have been waiting so long for this album, I was starting to wonder if it was ever going to come. Thankfully we have a time frame and I couldn’t be happier to see what Blindside delivers this time around!
- Kevin Hoskins
Blindside really needs lessons in punctuality. Granted, the rumors were that Blindside was no more after 2005's The Great Depression, but a band as good as Blindside definitely doesn't need eleven years to release two albums since then. But I'll lighten up on them if new music from Blindside proves to be worth the wait.
- Mark Rice
Blindside is one of those bands that I really like, but tend to forget about. Part of that can be blamed on their long stretches of silence, but thankfully that silence is about to be broken yet again with a new studio album!
- Christopher Smith
Can it really be? Is Blindside finally releasing the follow-up to 2011's With Shivering Hearts We Wait? I'm in "I'll-believe-it-when-I-see" mode, but more music is definitely promised. This is easily my most anticipated release of the second half of 2016, and maybe all year. While a return to Silence or About a Burning Fire would be welcomed, I'm up for whatever these guys have up their sleeves. This should be a good one.
- Michael Weaver
Will Blindside take another swing for radio relevance like the albums Silence or About A Burning Fire? I hope so, because Christian and the boys can combine tuneful-yet-face-melting songs like few others. But these guys don't need to prove anything to anyone. Twenty-two hard rocking, hard touring years have cemented these Swedes as a force to be reckoned with.
- Alex Caldwell
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