#6. Matt & Toby
I Quit Church
Release Date: Fall, 2017
I absolutely loved their debut release and even though this album's name and recent Bad Christian language controversy had me somewhat worried, I am definitely anticipating what I Quit Church has to offer.
- Kevin Hoskins
I've been begging for a new Matt & Toby album for awhile now. The debut was extremely fun and catchy and is still worthy of the occasional play through. The concept behind I Quit Church is an interesting one and the first two songs are quite promising. I'm expecting another solid album from two guys who rarely ever miss.
- Michael Weaver
Always a sucker for acoustic guitars and rock singer combos, when I heard the title of Matt & Toby’s newest offering was to be called I Quit Church, I was sold. Further news from their websites podcast claimed a mix of older hymns and originals and now it may be one of my most eagerly anticipated albums of 2017!
- Josh Balogh
Matt & Toby's self-titled debut was a solid release and a very welcome departure from Emery's harder edge, despite feeling a little underdeveloped musically. The title for their latest release has me really curious, so even if the music doesn't quite live up to their work with the band, the lyrics certainly will.
- Lucas Munachen
Everything that the Emery boys have released under BC Music has been high-quality, and an album that promises to be both deeply spiritual and critical should certainly please their fanbase. The hefty dose of unique takes on classic hymns might cause cohesion issues for the album as a whole, but Emery’s Classics Reimagined EP that released earlier this year earned my trust in their arranging abilities.
- Mason Hayne
I liked Matt & Toby’s debut album, but I never found myself holding onto it like Emery albums. I’ve gone back and listened recently, and Matt & Toby still holds up pretty well. That being said, I am looking forward to hearing what Toby has to say in what may be a more personal outing for the guys.
- Scott Fryberger
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