#61. Starflyer 59
Talking Voice vs Singing Voice
Release Date: April 12, 2005
As I drive to see my friends Mike Mains and the Branches play at Dallas’ Gas Monkey Bar N Grill with John Mark McMillan and Tyson Motsenbocker, I chose to pick Talking Voice vs Singing Voice to be the soundtrack for my journey. This record is perfect for alone driving time - maybe you could say that about all of Jason Martin’s albums. The guy sounds cool, writes cool songs, and, I’d argue, might be the coolest guy to ever grace the Tooth & Nail label(I apologize to any of my friends or acquaintances that may be offended by that statement). The sun was going down and so were any stresses of my day with each track that played. I'm going to be real honest for a moment: my wife and I just had a mild argument before I walked out the door. I don’t think either of us were angry. It was one of those that was just frustrating and dug at me. It dug because we love each other, and when you can’t figure out how connect with the one you love the most, it’s rough. I got three or four songs down the road and I could feel my frustration leaving. Just then, my wife called to apologize. I don’t know what record she was listening to at home (or maybe Fixer-Upper has the same magic on women that SF59 has on me), but we worked it out in seconds. This record and band are special. They deserve your attention...and whatever a marriage counseling session costs.
- Joshua Clifton of the band Ravenhill
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