#4. Showbread
Showbread Is Showdead
Release Date: January 8, 2016
The band announced last year that their final album was coming in 2016, but it was dropped into our laps early in the year--so it's already out and you've probably already heard it. I anticipated the heck out of it, even though it meant the end of the band, but it's a great way to go out. RIP Showbread...
- Scott Fryberger
Showbread is Showdead is a nice swan song and throwback for a band who has seen so many lineup changes and stylistical shifts. Showbread always provide top-notch material, and their final release is no different. Showbread will be missed, but their final album shouldn't disappoint.
- Michael Weaver
Showbread is Showdead is possibly one of the best album titles of all time. I can't get enough of the song "My Shadow Is A Bat" and "Life After Life After Death" is a beautiful closer that had me tearing up thinking of my son that will be born in April. This final album is a bittersweet moment for Showbread, but I am hopeful that The Bell Jar--which consists of Josh Dies, Garrett Holmes, and Patrick Porter--will continue a similar legacy for these outspoken raw-rocking individuals.
- Christopher Smith
I was honestly never much of a No Sir, Nihilism is not Practical fan, except for a few outstanding songs ("Your Mouth Is Like A Magazine" anyone?). In fact, that album might be my least favorite of theirs, but I've always admired the band for their absurd flair and thoughtful barrages of raw rock. So a career finale in the style of No Sir doesn't overly tickle my fancy, but it is hard not to appreciate.
- Mark Rice
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