#3. Anchor & Braille
Songs for the Late Night Drive Home
Release Date: February 5, 2016
Stephen Christian's musical pursuits continue with Songs for the Late Night Drive Home, and early listens are promising. It's entirely within Stephen's wheelhouse to incorporate heavy influence from New Order, The Cure, and the like, but the electronic-heavy nature of A&B's long-time-coming third full-length album is a surprise. With the previously-released "Detroit Stab" and "Fatal Flaw" as good indicators for the album's overall vibe, this is looking to be one of February's can't-miss entries.
- Roger Gelwicks
With the dismantling of Anberlin, Anchor & Braille somehow feels more important than ever before. Songs For The Late Night Drive Home boasts an intriguing, moody electronic indie tone that is a bit different from Felt or The Quiet Life, but it will still certainly please fans. With this album revolving mostly around romantic relationships, it will be an interesting contrast if and when Stephen Christian releases his worship album.
- Christopher Smith
Thankfully, the end of Anberlin does not mean the end of Stephen Christian in music. Now without his commitments to his former outfit, perhaps we're going see more from Anchor & Braille from now on.
- Mark Rice
The continuation of Anchor & Braille eases the loss of Anberlin just a little bit. The fine voice of Stephen Christian married with the rich soundscapes and melodies of A&B's last two releases, makes their next project, Songs For The Late Night Drive Home one of the most anticipated albums by JFH staff members. And that title? Perfect.
- Alex Caldwell
Anchor & Braille is obviously a completely different sounding group than Anberlin, but I can't help but get excited about what was once a Stephen Christian side project releasing another album. Christian is a talented individual and good things should be anticipated from Anchor & Braille.
- Michael Weaver
Stephen Christian eases the pain of fans missing Anberlin (and his voice) by releasing a new Anchor & Braille. And having had the pleasure of listening to it already, it's easily my favorite A&B record yet and one of the most fun listens I've experienced in quite some time.
- John DiBiase
Anberlin may have dissipated, but Stephen Christian isn't finished with music just yet. Anchor and Braille have consistently produced solid records of electronic/pop goodness since its conception, and judging from the newest single, "Watch You Burn," this third outing will be no exception.
- Lucas Munachen
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