#3. Blindside
Release Date: Sometime 2017
Rumors have swirled around a Blindside revival for a while, but it seems that in 2017 those rumors will find reality. This one is hands down my most anticipated release of the new year and I can hardly wait to hear this album. While I'd love to hear something along the lines of Silence or About a Burning Fire, I'm not expecting it to happen. I am, however, expecting whatever they release to be top-notch.
- Michael Weaver
When it comes to Blindside, I feel as if I am always waiting for them to make more music. However, it is always worth the wait. I just wish they wouldn't wait so long! I am stoked to see what they have this time around.
- Kevin Hoskins
It's been over 5 years since Blindside released their last studio album, the long-awaited With Shivering Hearts We Wait. Given the amount of electronic pop experimentation on With Shivering Hearts..., it will be interesting to see which direction Blindside will take next--and if the next effort will be worth the wait.
- Nicole Marie Vacca
This Swedish rock band is as unpredictable as they come in the Christian rock scene. I have no idea what their new record will sound like, but I'm very excited to find out.
- Christopher Smith
I'm a mid-period Blindside fan. I still crank up Silence, About A Burning Fire and The Great Depression when I'm in the mood to rock. These may be the more "radio friendly" moments for these hardcore guys from Sweden, but they hit the right mix for me. Spiritually, they asked hard questions, and musically, they balanced the crunch with the melody. 2011's With Shivering Hearts We Wait was okay, but lacked a spark, perhaps from being away for so long. I eagerly await a new chapter from these veteran, rocking Swedes.
- Alex Caldwell
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