For our
11th annual
Highlighting feature, we split the year into TWO pieces -- January to June and July to December. Each list contains 10 artists/releases for a total of 20 in total for 2017. So, without further ado, we give you
Highlighting Second-Half 2017! (For our January to June list,
click here!)
#3. Cool Hand Luke
Release Date: Fall 2017
Cool Hand Luke’s Of Man was a really great swan song. While it was supposed to be the Last CHL release, we now find ourselves in the cusp of Cora. This is one of my most anticipated albums for the entirety of 2017.
- Michael Weaver
Cool Hand Luke is one of those bands which can all too easily slip by unnoticed. Perhaps it’s due to their mellow style or the fact that their music doesn’t scream for a near narcissistic degree of attention as so many bands do these days. Regardless, this phenomenal and raw artistry deserves a solid round of applause, and here’s hoping that Cora will strike a chord with listeners.
- David Craft
Two years ago I discovered Cool Hand Luke’s concept album Of Man through Noisetrade. And then I found that they had broken up and I was left with nothing but a back catalogue to explore; so I'm very excited to hear what Cora has in store for us.
- Lucas Munachen
Cool Hand Luke was one of the most unique bands of its day, with off-beat song structures and intense and introspective lyrics that pierced the real world and the spiritual all at once. To see them return is a welcome surprise.
- Alex Caldwell
Visit our Cool Hand Luke page for more information about them...
2017 Countdown: July to December
10 | 9 | 8 |
7 | 6 | 5 |
4 | 3 | 2 | 1
©January 2017 |