Cap!! I think, until this movie, I was pretty unsure of who my favorite superhero was. (As a kid, the closest was probably Darkwing Duck, but was he really a "superhero"?) Chris Evans' portrayal as Steve Rogers / Captain America won me over. His wholesome ideals, his selflessness, his adherence to his convictions. This was a hero I could get behind. The MCU continued to use the character in ways that just made me like him more and more, and to this day, Steve Rogers' Captain America is my favorite superhero.
"Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier, but a good man."
Honorable Mentions: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. This was a toughie, too, but it was hard not to give it to Cap. I love old movies and war-time films, and the period-setting of
The First Avenger just adds to the charm of that movie for me (and Hayley Atwell as Peggy!).
Ghost Protocol was the height for the
Mission: Impossible movies at the time, and Pixar's Brad Bird did an incredible job on his first time out with a live action movie. Tom Cruise's stunts went to a whole new level when he hung off the tallest building in the world. It's still a great action/adventure movie.
John DiBiase