#4. Emery
You Were Never Alone
Release Date: Fall 2014
Devin is back with Emery and fans can't wait to see what's in store for this amazing band this time around. They have been one of the most consistent bands in recent years making solid tunes for all to enjoy, which in turn makes me super stoked for You Were Never Alone.
- Kevin Hoskins
Another confession: though I love Emery, and am whole-heartedly excited about You Were Never Alone, I am a little nervous about it. Their honesty is brutal - so brutal that, at times, it seems to cross the line and almost purposefully offend their Christian fans. Though I doubt that they'd use their music in the same way, I don't doubt that they'll give us all plenty to chew on...
- Scott Fryberger
I arrived late to the Emery party several years ago, but I've since heartily enjoyed their sizeable catalog of accomplished records on Tooth & Nail. Thanks to the rise of Toby Morrell and Matt Carter's BadChristian movement, however, I'm predicting some extremely honest pennings on You Were Never Alone. That, combined with their independent status, makes their sixth album particularly exciting.
- Roger Gelwicks
If feels like forever since We Do What We Want, but that is more thanks to the band's incredible amount of activity since then. Between their infamous blog, books, the Matt & Toby side project, and forming their self-owned BadChristian label, Emery has rarely left our consciousness. Now joining the vastly-increasing ranks of former-Tooth & Nail-now-indie bands, You Were Never Alone is easily one of the most notable releases of the second half of the year.
- Mark Rice
Emery has been a band that I've kept my eye on since This Weak's End. The group rarely disappoints, and their last record was fantastic. I can't wait to see what Matt, Toby, and the gang have in store for us this time.
- Michael Weaver
It's been a busy few years for Emery. Since their last release, they've left their longtime label (Tooth & Nail), started their own music and ministry platform, and released a book of the same name. Yet, that didn't stop them from crowdfunding a new album and convincing former guitarist, vocalist and fan favorite Devin Shelton to return to the group. Like their music, Emery is always at their best when they have a lot going on, and You Were Never Alone promises just that.
- John "Flip" Choquette
Visit our Emery page for more information about them...